Cabinet - Friday 19 July 2024, 12:00pm - Stockport Council Webcasting
Friday, 19th July 2024 at 12:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Mark Hunter
Agenda item :
1 Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
2 Urgent Decisions
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Damian Eaton
Agenda item :
3 Public Question Time
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Cllr Mark Hunter
Cllr Mark Hunter
Cllr Mark Hunter
Cllr Mark Hunter
Cllr Mark Hunter
Agenda item :
Key Decisions
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Agenda item :
4 Stockport Local Plan - Regulation 18 Consultation
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- _Cabinet Meeting Summary Sheet
- Committee report, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee
- Appendix 1 - emerging draft Stockport Local Plan, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee
- Appendix 2 - draft updated 'policies map'_compressed, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee
- Appendix 3 - housing topic paper R1, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee
- Appendix 4 - employment topic paper, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee
- Appendix 5 - Local Plan ISA Interim Report, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee
- Appendix 5i - Local Plan Interim ISA Appendix D - Draft Policies, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee
- Appendix 5ii - Local Plan Interim ISA Appendix E - Spatial Approaches, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee
- Appendix 5iii - Local Plan Interim ISA Appendix F - Equalities Impact Asessement, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee
- Appendix 5iv - Local Plan Interim ISA Appendix G - Health Impact Assessment, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee
- Appendix 5v - Local Plan ISA Non-Technical Summary, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee
- Addendum Report
Cllr Mark Roberts
Cllr Mark Hunter
Cllr Colin MacAlister
Cllr Mark Hunter
Cllr Keith Holloway
Cllr Mark Hunter
Cllr Jilly Julian
Cllr Mark Hunter
Cllr Mark Roberts
Cllr Mark Hunter
Agenda item :
5 To consider recommendations of Scrutiny Committees
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Damian Eaton
Cllr Mark Hunter
Webcast Finished
- _Cabinet Meeting Summary Sheet, opens in new tab
- Committee report, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - emerging draft Stockport Local Plan, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 - draft updated 'policies map'_compressed, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3 - housing topic paper R1, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4 - employment topic paper, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5 - Local Plan ISA Interim Report, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5i - Local Plan Interim ISA Appendix D - Draft Policies, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5ii - Local Plan Interim ISA Appendix E - Spatial Approaches, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5iii - Local Plan Interim ISA Appendix F - Equalities Impact Asessement, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5iv - Local Plan Interim ISA Appendix G - Health Impact Assessment, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5v - Local Plan ISA Non-Technical Summary, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Addendum Report, opens in new tab

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Liberal Democrats

Liberal Democrats