Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 5 September 2024, 6:00pm - Stockport Council Webcasting
Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 5th September 2024 at 6:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr James Frizzell
Cllr Will Dawson
Cllr David Meller
Cllr Dena Ryness
Cllr Will Dawson
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Micheala Meikle
Cllr Ian Powney
Cllr Ian Hunter
Cllr Jake Austin
Mrs Charlotte Douglass
Cllr Claire Vibert
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
1 Minutes
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Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Agenda item :
3 Exclusion of the public and the public interest test
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Agenda item :
4 Call-in
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Agenda item :
5 Local Plan Update
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Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr James Frizzell
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Micheala Meikle
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr David Meller
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr David Meller
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Will Dawson
Cllr Will Dawson
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Will Dawson
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Will Dawson
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Agenda item :
6 Homelessness and Housing Need
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Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr James Frizzell
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Micheala Meikle
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr David Meller
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr David Meller
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Jake Austin
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Jake Austin
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Dena Ryness
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Ian Hunter
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Ian Hunter
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Mark Roberts/Mark Glynn
Carmel Chambers/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr David Meller
Carmel Chambers/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Ian Hunter
Agenda item :
7 Stockport Homes Delivery Plan Outcomes 2023/24 & Mid-Term Review of the 2021-26 Delivery Plan
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Carmel Chambers/Mark Glynn
Cllr Ian Hunter
Carmel Chambers/Mark Glynn
Carmel Chambers/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Will Dawson
Carmel Chambers/Mark Glynn
Cllr Will Dawson
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr David Meller
Carmel Chambers/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr James Frizzell
Carmel Chambers/Mark Glynn
Cllr James Frizzell
Carmel Chambers/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Micheala Meikle
Carmel Chambers/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Carmel Chambers/Mark Glynn
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Agenda item :
8 Stockport UK Shared Prosperity Fund Communities and Place Grants Update
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Richard Mortimer
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr David Meller
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Jake Austin
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Agenda item :
9 Work programme
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Cllr Ian Hunter
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr James Frizzell
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr James Frizzell
Cllr Claire Vibert
Agenda item :
Items including information 'Not for Publication'
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Agenda item :
10 Marple Active Communities Hub
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Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Micheala Meikle
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr James Frizzell
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr James Frizzell
Cllr Colin MacAlister/Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Webcast Finished
- Minutes Public Pack, 13/06/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- Minutes Public Pack, 18/07/2024 Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- 240816 Local Plan update ER Scrutiny September 2024, opens in new tab
- Homelessness and Housing Need, opens in new tab
- Scrutiny Covering Report - report, opens in new tab
- SHG_DeliveryPlan_Outcomes Report FINAL, opens in new tab
- SHG_DeliveryPlan_MidTermReview FINAL, opens in new tab
- Stockport UKSPF Communities and Place Grants Update Main Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 for Stockport UKSPF Communities and Place Grants Update, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 UKSPF Grant Allocations July 2024_, opens in new tab
- Work programme Sept 2024, opens in new tab
- Marple Active Communities Hub Main Report, opens in new tab
- Enc. 2 for Marple Active Communities Hub, opens in new tab
- Enc. 3 for Marple Active Communities Hub, opens in new tab
- 72-74 WELLINGTON ROAD SOUTH CPO REPORT, opens in new tab
- APPENDIX 1 - SE MASTERPLAN, opens in new tab
- APPENDIX 2 - TITLE PLAN, opens in new tab
- APPENDIX 4 - CPO GUIDANCE AND POWERS, opens in new tab
- APPENDIX 5 - EQUALITIES IMPACT, opens in new tab

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