Heatons & Reddish Area Committee - Monday 9 September 2024, 6:00pm - Stockport Council Webcasting
Heatons & Reddish Area Committee
Monday, 9th September 2024 at 6:00pm
Agenda item :
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Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr John Taylor
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dena Ryness
Cllr Rachel Wise
Cllr Holly McCormack
Jeni Regan
Mr Charles Yankiah
Tom Crewe
Cllr Colin Foster
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Liz Crix
Cllr James Frizzell
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
1 Minutes
Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest
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Cllr Colin Foster
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Colin Foster
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Liz Crix
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
3 Urgent Decisions
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Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Mr Charles Yankiah
Agenda item :
4 Community Engagement
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Agenda item :
4 b) Neighbourhood Policing
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Cllr Holly McCormack
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
4 c) Public Question Time
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Mr Charles Yankiah
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Mr Charles Yankiah
Cllr John Taylor
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Mr Charles Yankiah
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
4 d) Petitions
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Mr Charles Yankiah
Mr Charles Yankiah
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Mr Charles Yankiah
Mr Charles Yankiah
Mr Charles Yankiah
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Holly McCormack
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr John Taylor
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Mr Charles Yankiah
Cllr John Taylor
Mr Charles Yankiah
Cllr John Taylor
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
4 e) Open Forum
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Agenda item :
4 f) Ward Flexibility Funding - Friends of Shahnameh
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Mr Charles Yankiah
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Holly McCormack
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Colin Foster
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Holly McCormack
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Colin Foster
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Holly McCormack
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
4 g) Ward Flexibility Funding - Disability Opportunities in Sport UK
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Agenda item :
4 h) Ward Flexibility Funding - Stockport Armed Forces Breakfast Club
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Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Liz Crix
Cllr Liz Crix
Cllr Liz Crix
Cllr Liz Crix
Cllr Liz Crix
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Liz Crix
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr David Wilson
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Wilson
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Holly McCormack
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
4 i) Ward Flexibility Funding - The Friends of Darley Street
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Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Colin Foster
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Holly McCormack
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr James Frizzell
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
4 j) Ward Flexibility Funding - Reddish Angling Club
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Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Holly McCormack
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Rachel Wise
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Liz Crix
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
5 Development Applications
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Agenda item :
5 a) DC/091778 - Land and Buildings at Stanbank Street and Reuben Street, Stockport
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Cllr David Sedgwick
Mr Charles Yankiah
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Liz Crix
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Jeni Regan
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Mr Charles Yankiah
Cllr David Sedgwick
Mr Charles Yankiah
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr James Frizzell
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr James Frizzell
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Holly McCormack
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr John Taylor
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
6 Appeal Decisions, Current Planning Appeals and Enforcements
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Agenda item :
7 Remit of Area Committees
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Agenda item :
8 Neighbourhoods and Prevention Programme Update
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Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Holly McCormack
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Holly McCormack
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Liz Crix
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
7 Remit of Area Committees
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Mr Charles Yankiah
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr James Frizzell
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Colin Foster
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Holly McCormack
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Dena Ryness
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr John Taylor
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
8 Neighbourhoods and Prevention Programme Update
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
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Cllr Holly McCormack
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Liz Crix
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr James Frizzell
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
10 Coleridge Road, Reddish
Agenda item :
11 Stitch Lane, Heaton Norris
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Cllr Liz Crix
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
12 Clifton Road and Alan Road, Heaton Moor
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Cllr David Sedgwick
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
13 Highways Maintenance and Local Initiative Report - Windmill Lane, Reddish
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Cllr Holly McCormack
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
14 Reddish District Centre 20 MPH Zone
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Cllr Holly McCormack
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr James Frizzell
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Liz Crix
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Rachel Wise
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Cllr Holly McCormack
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
15 Highways Maintenance and Local Initiative Report - Gorton Road, Reddish
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Cllr Holly McCormack
Cllr Dean Fitzpatrick
Agenda item :
16 Progress on Area Committee Decisions
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Webcast Finished
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- Friends of Shahnameh REDACTED, opens in new tab
- Child protection policy Friends of Shahnameh REDACTED, opens in new tab
- DOSportUK - Revised - REDACTED, opens in new tab
- Stockport Armed Forces Breakfast Club REDACTED, opens in new tab
- Stockport Armed Forces Breakfast Club - Additional Info REDACTED, opens in new tab
- The Friends of Darley Street REDACTED, opens in new tab
- Reddish Angling Club REDACTED, opens in new tab
- DC091778 Stanbank Street and Reuben Street, opens in new tab
- Stanford & Reuben Combined plans, opens in new tab
- APRIL COMMITTEE REPORT 2024 - IAV1 (4) (002) heatons and reddish, opens in new tab
- MainReport - Remit of ACs (Area Committee Version), opens in new tab
- Remit of Area Committees - Appendices, opens in new tab
- FINAL Area Committee Update September 2024, opens in new tab
- Final - Appendix - Stockport Neighbourhoods - Area Committees Sept 2024, opens in new tab
- Coleridge Road, Reddish, opens in new tab
- Item 11 - Stitch Lane, Heaton Norris, opens in new tab
- Enc. 1 for Stitch Lane, Heaton Norris, opens in new tab
- Item 12 - Clifton Road and Alan Road, Heaton Moor, opens in new tab
- Enc. 1 for Clifton Road and Alan Road, Heaton Moor, opens in new tab
- Highways Maintenance and Local Initiative Report - Windmill Lane, Reddish, opens in new tab
- Reddish District Centre 20 MPH Zone, opens in new tab
- Enc. 1 for Reddish District Centre 20 MPH Zone, opens in new tab
- Gorton Road, Reddish, opens in new tab
- Gorton Road, Reddish Appendix 1, opens in new tab
- Progress Report - April 2024, opens in new tab
- Heatons Reddish Area Committee Résumé - September 2024, opens in new tab

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Labour and Co-operative Party

Labour and Co-operative Party