Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 28 November 2024, 6:00pm - Stockport Council Webcasting
Economy, Regeneration & Climate Change Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 28th November 2024 at 6:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr James Frizzell
Cllr Dena Ryness
Cllr Aron Thornley
Cllr Aron Thornley
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Paul Richards
Cllr Will Dawson
Cllr Ian Hunter
Cllr Jake Austin
Mrs Charlotte Douglass
Cllr Claire Vibert
Agenda item :
1 Minutes
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Agenda item :
2 Declarations of interest
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Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Agenda item :
3 Exclusion of the public and the public interest test
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Agenda item :
4 Call-in
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Agenda item :
5 Draft Stockport Local Plan update
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Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr James Frizzell
Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Ian Hunter
Cllr Claire Vibert
Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Aron Thornley
Paul Richards
Cllr Aron Thornley
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Agenda item :
6 Responding to our Medium-Term Financial Plan
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Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Dena Ryness
Cllr Claire Vibert
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Dena Ryness
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Dena Ryness
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Jake Austin
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Jake Austin
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr James Frizzell
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr James Frizzell
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr James Frizzell
Cllr Claire Vibert
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Ian Hunter
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Ian Hunter
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Will Dawson
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Aron Thornley
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Aron Thornley
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Aron Thornley
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Aron Thornley
Cllr Claire Vibert
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Dena Ryness
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Dena Ryness
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Dena Ryness
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Dena Ryness
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Dena Ryness
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Dena Ryness
Cllr Claire Vibert
Agenda item :
7 2024/25 Mid-Year (Quarter 2) Portfolio Performance and Resources Reports: Climate Change & Environment and Economy, Regeneration & Housing
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Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Mrs Charlotte Douglass
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Dena Ryness
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr James Frizzell
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Aron Thornley
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Aron Thornley
Paul Richards
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Aron Thornley
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Aron Thornley
Charlotte Douglass
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Aron Thornley
Paul Richards
Cllr Aron Thornley
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr James Frizzell
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Jake Austin
Cllr David Meller
Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Agenda item :
8 Collection of water charges on behalf of United Utilities
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Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Ian Hunter
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Ian Hunter
Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Agenda item :
9 Proposed Compulsory Purchase Order The Metropolitan Borough Council of Stockport (Land at Higher Hillgate/Higher Barlow Row)
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Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Aron Thornley
Paul Richards
Cllr Claire Vibert
Agenda item :
10 Update on the work of the Scrutiny Review Panels
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Cllr James Frizzell
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Dena Ryness
Cllr Claire Vibert
Agenda item :
11 Work programme
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Mark Glynn/Councillor Mark Roberts
Cllr Claire Vibert
Cllr Will Dawson
Cllr Claire Vibert
Webcast Finished
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- Local Plan update, opens in new tab
- MTFP, opens in new tab
- MTFT App 1, opens in new tab
- ER&CC Mid Year 24-25 Covering Report, opens in new tab
- CCE Q2 PPRR 2024-25 v1.0 (Scrutiny), opens in new tab
- ERH Q2 PPRR 2024-25 v1.0 (Scrutiny), opens in new tab
- Enc. 2 for Proposed Compulsory Purchase Order The Metropolitan Borough Council of Stockport (Land at Higher Hillgate/Higher Barlow Row), opens in new tab
- Work programme Nov 2024, opens in new tab

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